L |
LarsF |
I felt the need to move files between folders in a smooth way, with just drag n drop.
Just sense starting to drag a files which column cursor is on and then also if having dragged it to a folder column, and confirm moving file or not.
So not having to scroll to a separate line with a folder, even, just finding an entry where column has the target folder.
In Explorer this is through two panes, one with folder and one with files.
But it could be done in US as I described above.
Really smooth way of doing it IMO, if having target folders also in result list, as I often have.
And not needing to move to Explorer and list target folders there. Way, way more cumbersome.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Team TreeSize
> By sensing where mouse cursor is, which column, pretty much, decide which symbol is relevant for mouse cursor and also allow to drop it.
I didn't understand the part with the column though. Feel free to provide more details here.
By column I mean the path column in result list. So US can sense that it's a drop in a folder.
By default I believe symbol for drop if you try that in filename column is "not valid" symbol.
But when cursor is over path column it can show Copy or Move, if this is implemented.
I believe Explorer has a logic that when in a path of sub folder default is move, otherwise copy.
But you control by Ctrl or Shift of course too.
Something like that...
Yes, that was the idea. By sensing where mouse cursor is, which column, pretty much, decide which symbol is relevant for mouse cursor and also allow to drop it.
Originally I had a result list, that also were in different subfolders and wanted to rearrange where files were on various topics.
If having a top root folder Lessons, and wanted to move them to Piano, Guitar etc.
But also thought, why not to any folder that you might have in front of you. It happend many times I wanted to do that, but had to go to Explorer.
And the ordinary Ctrl or Shift decide if to copy or move etc.
Team TreeSize
So you want to select one or more files in the result list and drag them to a folder that is also in a result list. Did I understand this correctly?
I missed this reply button here for the big blob above, so look there, please.
Steven Elster
Would this fit within the idea of adding something like catalogs such that the user could drag files or folders from the search results or from anywhere else into a special location that would be able to be a repository for files and folders from different locations and or folders?
Team SpaceObServer
No, this is an entirely different feature request. The idea here is that the folders in the column with the parent folder path work as drop targets.