Add a thumbnail view

Team UltraSearch

There should be an option to display the files as thumbnails in the result list.

Estimated: V4.4


Activity Newest / Oldest


Team UltraSearch

Merged with: View as visible images



View as visible images for faster finding, as known from Windows Explorer


Team UltraSearch

Status changed to: In progress



I am anxiously awaiting this as well. I will be trying it out the minute I hear it is available for download.


Kevin Freels

Fantastic to hear it! Are you able to drop us a hint as to when? It's certainly worth the upgrade price so I'll be renewing when it drops as well. I'm also available for beta testing if you need some folks that have a dazziling array of image formats. :-)


richard king

I will renup my license if this gets implemented. hopefully, it will follow the Windows Explorer method so if you have 3rd party file version tools to display thumbnails for RAW files and other media files like Everything does. can't wait!

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Team UltraSearch

Yes, we will support all 3rd party thumbnail providers installed in the system, like Windows File Explorer.

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And no, I'm not going to take the time to try and remember everything I wrote, and type it all up again.

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I just spent the time to type up a thoughtful 2 paragraph reply. But before I hit Comment, I scrolled down to see if I was just repeating some previous comment.

I thought Kevin's comment was good, so I hit the Heart to uprate it. Sadly, when I did that it decided to refresh the screen, and wiped out all I had typed. Gee, thanks!

Maybe that is a bug that Upvoty could fix, because it really discourages me from wasting my valuable time to comment... when unexpected stupidity occurs.

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Kevin Freels

Just so you know, you are not alone. This happens to me at least once a month somewhere. lol

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Team UltraSearch

Status changed to: Planned


Kevin Freels

When I bought it I just assumed it would have a thumbnail view somewhere but apparently not. The search features have been absolutely incredible! Earlier today I searched for a file in explorer, remembered this was in my tray, punched it in and got abou 80 results and had what I wanted in about 6 seconds. Meanwhile Explorer was still running and after 3 minutes, never found it.

So it's awesome. But it kills me when it comes to any kind of image, video, or doc. When I do a search for something difficult, I get a lot of results of course. And to narrow that down I have to individually open in another app. It's crazy when I have thousands of files called 173gY822d988h3is77_87iue287.png (images for websites and other marketing). I get that sometimes you wouldn't want it slowed for thumbs but at the very least there should be a checkbox to enable/disable it.

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Team UltraSearch

Merged with: Difficult to use without thumbnail viewing



When looking for IMAGE files, being able to see the contents as a thumbnail really seems to be the most "natural" mode to view them. Often this will enable finding a desired item at a glance. By scanning a page-full at a time. / Having the side-view... with ONE at a time, really falls short. / Speeding things up when it's not needed will be automatic, whenever Thumbnail View is not selected. / I miss this capability every day.

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