Support S3 compatible object storage like Wasabi

Team TreeSize

Add support for S3 compatible object store like:

  • Wasabi
  • Dell EMC ECS
  • Digital Ocean Spaces


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Team TreeSize

Status changed to: Planned


Jerry Langland

Strongly support. Having AWS and Azure scanning has basically doubled the value of TSP to me, which, admittedly was a hard thing to do. But adding S3 compatibility opens TSP up to the rest of the Cloud.
BackBlaze, Minio, Wasabi, IDrive e2 and dozens if not hundreds of other services. S3 is the defacto standard for cloud storage on the Internet used or supported by almost everyone not named MS or Google. It should be fairly simple, rather than using the AWS endpoint locaters, just take an endpoint given to you by the user and go to town.


Haagen Waade

Agree too! Should not be too much change than add the possibility to configure your own endpoint? 3 years without much activity doesnt look good :(


Scott Lewis

totally agree! I'd absolutely love it if TreeSize could support these endpoints. Ceph-S3 is another example.


I agree I would also like to see this. example, Backblaze B2 has S3 compatible storage. Applications like MINIO can provide an S3 compatible layer on any server storage too.